Tips for a trip
Fairytale smithy
To enter the fairy tale, visit the ancient smithy in Selibov. Near Tálínský pond you can meet devils, hastrmany, fairies and elves, walk through the Fairytale Trail, visit Fairytale Shop, Creative Workshop or Refreshment at Devil’s Mill.
Crocodile Zoo Protivin
Crocodile Zoo Protivin offers the largest European collection of 22 types of crocodiles. It is the only zoo in Europe to hold the albino alligator, the largest group of Indian gavials and sunda gavials outside the country of origin. The zoo also includes an exhibition of the Protivín Zoological Museum and an exhibition of pups.
Zvíkov – Orlík
a visit to Schwarzenberg Castle Orlík and the adjacent park
boat trip to Zvíkov castle, lunch at Hotel Zvíkov in Zvíkov podhradí or picnic in the wild
Visit the early Gothic Zvíkov Castle at the confluence of the Otava and Vltava rivers